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categories > Scuba Boyancy Compensators > Scuba-Boyancy-Compensators-For-Sale > item # 1982019994

Ad #1982019994
Mens SeaQuest Buoyancy Chest Vest

Scuba Diving Trips Vacations
Asking Price: 75.00 Year Model: 2005
Sellers Username: Chriscyntran
Location: Huntington Beach CA 92648 Condition of Item: Great
Phone: 714 8159357 Shipping Terms: Buyer & Seller Splits
Ad Posted: Wed May 18, 07:06 PM Ad Expires: Runs Until Sold
(Contact Seller Chriscyntran about this item) (view sellers other Ads) (email this Ad to a friend)
Seller Chriscyntran assumes all responsibility for the listing and deleting of this ad.
Currency is U.S.
Scuba INSURANCE        Scuba SHIPPING        Scuba VACATIONS

$75 OBO Great condition, Medium size SeaQuest Spectrum 3 Buoyancy Chest Vest

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